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OptiSystem is a comprehensive software design suite that enables users to plan, test, and simulate optical links in the transmission layer of modern optical networks. OptiInstrument addresses the needs of researchers, scientists, photonic engineers, professors and students who are working with instruments. OptiSPICE is the first circuit design software for analysis of integrated circuits including interactions of optical and electronic components. It allows for the design and simulation of opto-electronic circuits at the transistor level, from laser drivers to transimpedance amplifiers, optical interconnects and electronic equalizers. OptiFDTD is a powerful, highly integrated, and user friendly CAD environment that enables the design and simulation of advanced passive and non-linear photonic components. OptiBPM is a comprehensive CAD environment used for the design of complex optical waveguides. Perform guiding, coupling, switching, splitting, multiplexing, and demultiplexing of optical signals in photonic devices. Emerging as a de facto standard over the last decade, OptiGrating has delivered powerful and user friendly design software for modeling integrated and fiber optic devices that incorporate optical gratings. Download our 30-day Free Evaluations, lab assignments, and other freeware here. Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test & Measurement, Fundamental Research, Solar Panels, Components / Devices, etc.. OptiSystem is a comprehensive software design suite that enables users to plan, test, and simulate optical links in the transmission layer of modern optical networks. OptiInstrument addresses the needs of researchers, scientists, photonic engineers, professors and students who are working with instruments. OptiSPICE is the first circuit design software for analysis of integrated circuits including interactions of optical and electronic components. It allows for the design and simulation of opto-electronic circuits at the transistor level, from laser drivers to transimpedance amplifiers, optical interconnects and electronic equalizers. OptiFDTD is a powerful, highly integrated, and user friendly CAD environment that enables the design and simulation of advanced passive and non-linear photonic components. OptiBPM is a comprehensive CAD environment used for the design of complex optical waveguides. Perform guiding, coupling, switching, splitting, multiplexing, and demultiplexing of optical signals in photonic devices. Emerging as a de facto standard over the last decade, OptiGrating has delivered powerful and user friendly design software for modeling integrated and fiber optic devices that incorporate optical gratings. Download our 30-day Free Evaluations, lab assignments, and other freeware here. Optiwave’s extensive software suite has major applications that extend far beyond the commercial sphere. Researchers in various industries have been relying on Optiwave software for training, testing, and research. Our publications archive covers Optiwave software usage in research journals, periodicals, conference papers, and more. You can use this archive to find quick references for your research, including: Select a topic below to get started. If you’re working on a research publication, you can learn more about photonics and our software in general with these resources. Our hands-on training empowers engineers with the ability to handle a range of photonics tasks with efficiency. Businesses can use our customized training services to speed up the learning process. Whether you’re just getting started with Optiwave or a photonics veteran, our detailed manuals contain step-by-step instructions covering everything you might need. Find every manual and piece of documentation for Optiwave software all in one place at the Knowledge Base. This updated repository covers everything photonics. Is photonics software useful for research? Can photonics software help with testing and measurement? Where can I connect with other researchers working on optics?
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Yes. Photonics software allows researchers to simulate a broad range of scenarios that would be expensive or difficult to test practically. Accurate simulation software provides reliable and consistent results, speeding up the pace of research and allowing people to move from theory to practice quickly. You can learn more about our software’s applications here.
Optiwave’s OptiInstrument is a tool designed to meet the needs of scientists and researchers. OptiInstrument is a user-friendly software that makes it easy for researchers to monitor and communicate with various instruments remotely. Users can set equipment parameters, perform passive component testing, extract signals for post-processing, and more.
Visit our community forums to connect with other industry experts and researchers working with photonics. You can get quick answers to any questions you might have, and even find opportunities for collaboration.