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OptiSystem Publication References – 2008


Listing of scientific papers, technical journals, periodicals, and conference publications which reference the use of OptiSystem.

[1] Yoshinari Awaji , Hideaki Furukawa, Naoya Wada, Eddie Kong, Peter Chan and Ray Man; Burst-mode EDFA based on a mid-position gain flattening filter with an overpumping configuration for variable traffic conditions in a WDM environment. Optical & Quantum Electronics; Apr2008, Vol. 40 Issue 5/6, p461-466. ISSN: 03068919.

[2] Xiaogang Chen, Zonglong Wang and Deyi Chen; Effects of Direct Current Bias-Drifting on Radio on Fiber Link. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. Volume 29, Number 4 / April, 2008. :424–431.

[3] Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman; The Effect of First Pre-Amplifier Gain to the BER Performance in Restored Metro Ring Network. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol.8 No.12, December 2008.

[4] Ghanshyam Singh, Tirtha Pratim Bhattacharjee, R. P. Yadav, and V. Janyani; Design of Non-Blocking and Rearrangeable Modified Banyan Network with Electro-Optic MZI Switching Elements. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology volume 43, July 2008, ISSN: 2070-3724.

[5] R. K. Z. Sahbudin, M. K. Abdullah, M. D. A. Samad, M. A. Mahdi and M. Ismail. Hybrid Subcarrier Multiplexed Spectral-Amplitude-Coding Optical CDMA System Performance for Point-to-Point Optical Transmissions. CMU. J. Nat. Sci. (2008) Vol. 7(1).

[6] Lihua Zhang; Yungang Du; Ying Xi; Jijun Li; Chunwang Zhao; Gain characteristics of erbium doped fiber amplifierProceedings Vol. 7157. 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Advanced Sensor Technologies and Applications.

[7] Hilal Adnan Fadhil, S. A. Aljunid and R. Badlishah Ahmed; New code structure for spectral amplitude coding OCDMA system. IEICE Electronics Express Vol. 5 (2008) , No. 20 pp.846-852.

[8] Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Muhd Fauzi Aminuddin Shazi Shaarani; The Proposal of OCDMA Encoder Based on Optical Cross Add and Drop Multiplexer (OXADM) – Device Characteristic. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.8 No.12, December 2008.

[9] Parekhan M. Aljaff, and Banaz O. Rasheed. Design Optimization for Efficient Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 46, 2008.

[10] Prakoso, T.; Ngah, R.; Rahman, T.A.; Active photonic antenna for wireless communications at 2.4 GHz. IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference, 2008. RFM 2008, 2-4 Dec. 2008 Page(s):446 – 449.

[11] Prakoso, T.; Ngah, R.; Rahman, T.A.; Mualif, M.A.; 5.8 GHz photonic antenna for point to point applications. IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference, 2008. RFM 2008, 2-4 Dec. 2008 Page(s):131 – 134.

[12] Prakoso, T.; Ngah, R.; Rahman, T.A.; Representation of antenna in two-port network s-parameter. IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference, 2008. RFM 2008, 2-4 Dec. 2008 Page(s):293 – 297.

[13] Zuazola, I.J.G.; Elmirghani, J.M.H.; Batchelor, J.C.; UWB RoF system for in-vehicle applications. 17th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, 2008. MIKON 2008. 19-21 May 2008 Page(s):1 – 4.

[14] Khalid, A.M.; Idrus, S.M.; Alifah, S.; The feedforward linearization system of optical transmitter for Free space optical (FSO) link. IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference, 2008. RFM 2008. 2-4 Dec. 2008 Page(s):515 – 519.

[15] Othman, M.; Rejab, M.F.M.; Talib, R.; Cholan, N.A.; Abdullah, M.F.L.; Aljunid, S.A.; Abdullah, M.K.; Comparison of detection techniques in optical CDMA access network for point to multipoint configuration. International Conference on Electronic Design, 2008. ICED 2008. 1-3 Dec. 2008 Page(s):1 – 5.

[16] Wu Pan et. al.; Design and simulation of a novel phase-encoded OCDMA system. Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, pp. 2006-2009. 2008.

[17] O. Boukari et. al.; Characterization of the chirp in semiconductor laser under modulation. Materials Science and Engineering, pp. 671-675 . 2008.

[18] Ab-Rahman; Survivability Schemes in Optical Cross Add and Drop Multiplexer. Advanced Communication Technology, pp. 2007-2012. 2008.

[19] Ab-Rahman; Optical Cross Add and Drop Multiplexer: An Analytical Approach. Telecommunications, 2008 pp. 420-427. 2008.

[20] Zuazola et. al.; WiMAX antennas for Intelligent Transport System communications. Antennas and Propagation Conference, 2008 pp. 133-136. 2008.

[21] Yoshinari Awaji et. al.; Burst-mode EDFA based on a mid-position gain flattening filter with an overpumping configuration for variable traffic conditions in a WDM environment. Optical and Quantum Electronics, pp. 461-466. 2008.

[22] Ab-Rahman et. al.; The Hybrid Protection Scheme in Hybrid OADM/OXC/MUX. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, pp. 968-976. 2008.

[23] Songnian Fu et. al.; All-optical NRZ-DPSK clock recovery using linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating induced clock tone. Optical Fiber Technology, pp. 222-226 . 2008.

[24] Ab-Rahman et. al.; Development of optical multifunctional switch. Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2008 pp.1-7. 2008.

[25] Ab-Rahman ; The OSNR Study on Optical Cross Add and Drop Multiplexer (OXADM): With Limitation Highlight. Telecommunications, 2008 pp. 413-419. 2008.

[26] Ab-Rahman et. al.; OXADMs: The Comparison with the Existing Device. Modeling & Simulation, 2008 pp. 283-290. 2008.

[27] Ab-Rahman et. al.; OXADMs: The next generation of optical switching devices. Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2008 pp.1-7. 2008.

[28] Hua Zhang; Dynamic end-to-end optimization for quality of transmission in reconfigurable transparent optical networks. Optics Infobase, pp. 573-584. 2008.

[29] Tsair-Chun Liang et. al.; The L-band EDFA of high clamped gain and low noise figure implemented using fiber Bragg grating and double-pass method. Optics Communications pp.1134 – 1139. 2008.

[30] Jacklyn Andrew Alam; Development of double carrier modulation. Universiti Malaysia Perlis . 2008.

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