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OptiSystem Publication References – 2000 – 2007


Listing of scientific papers, technical journals, periodicals, and conference publications which reference the use of OptiSystem.

[1] Ken Tanizawa, and Akira Hirose; Performance Analysis of Steepest Descent-Based Feedback Control of Tunable-Dispersion Compensator for Adaptive Dispersion Compensation in All-Optical Dynamic-Routing Networks. Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 25, no. 4, April 2007.

[2] Shuping Wang, Chi-Hao Cheng, Yangqing Lu, and Charles Wong; Effect of an imperfect antireflection coating on a birefringent interleaver in an optical communications system.Optical Engineering. Vol. 46, 095005 (Sep. 17, 2007).

[3] Awaji, Y.; Furukawa, H.; Wada, N.; Designing of EDFA with Inherently Low Transient Response for Optical Packet with Variable Condition of Traffic on WDM Environment. Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, 2007. NUSOD ’07. International Conference on 24-28 Sept. 2007 Page(s):101 – 102.

[4] Bing Long et. l.; Analysis and Simulation on Spectral Phase-Encoded OCDMA System. Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, 2007.

[5] Liyana et. al.;Development of point-to-point OCDMA system for metropolitan area network. Universiti Malaysia Perlis . 2007.

[6] Nikolaos Gryspolakis; Response of fibre optic parametric amplifiers to channel add/drop in agile all-photonic networks. Optical Communication, pp. 168-174. 2007.

[7] Sierra, A et. al.; Evaluation of Two Prevalent EPON Networks Using Simulation Methods. Conference Paper, pp. 48-. 2006.

[8] Pontes M.J. et. al.; Numerical Routines for the Optimization of Pump Power and Wavelength in Distributed Raman Amplifiers. Fiber & Integrated Optics, pp. 347-361. 2006.

[9] Kartalopoulos, S.V.; Modeling and simulation of an all-optical pattern correlator for optical communications. Conference Paper, pp. 59-63. 2005.

[10] Cüneyt Berkdemir et. al.; The temperature dependent performance analysis of EDFAs pumped at 1480 nm: A more accurate propagation equation. Optics Express, pp. 5179-5185. 2005.

[11] Marcio Freitas et. al.; New technique for simulation of optical fiber amplifiers control schemes in dynamic WDM systems. Proceedings of SPIE, 2004.

[12] Stamatios V. Karlalopoulos; Optical pattern detector and digital-to-analog converter for optical communications systems. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 2150-2155. 2004.

[13] Antoniades, N. et. al.; Techno-economic value analysis of the role of banded amplification in evolving WDM metro network architectures. Conference Paper, pp. 635-636. 2004.

[14] Givigi, S et. al.; Transient control in RFAs for multi-pumping environments by using a multi-objective optimization approach. Conference Paper, 2004.

[15] Antoniades, N et. al.; Transport metropolitan optical networking: evolving trends in the architecture design and computer modeling. IEEE Journal of lightwave Technology, pp. 2653-2670. 2004.

[16] Xu Wang et. al.; Improvement of the coding performance of SSFBG en/decoder by apodization technique. Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, pp. 247-250. 2004.

[17] Chengxia Li et. al.; Optimal design scheme for multiwavelength backward-pumped Raman amplifiers. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 341-344. 2004.

[18] Marcio Freitas et. al.; Transient control for cascaded EDFAs by using a multi-objective optimization approach. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 387-395. 2004.

[19] Warren Koonts, et. al.; Application of optical system simulation software in a fiber optic telecommunications program. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 705-712. 2004.

[20] Marcio Freitas et. al.; Transients control in Raman fiber amplifiers. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 424-434. 2004.

[21] Tamer Coskun et. al.; Fast estimation of dispertion and initial chirp penalties by using TRC parameters. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 91-96. 2003.

[22] Tetsuya Kawanishi,; Numerical analysis of tunable deley-line with an SSB modulator. 2003.

[23] Tetsuya Kawanishi; Wavelength domain switching using electro-optic single-sideband modulation. 2003.

[24] Tamer Coskun et. al.; Automated optimization tools design Raman amplifiers. WDM Solutions. 2003.

[25] Ganesh, R.; Design and optimization of EDFAs for simultaneous amplification of WDM signals in both C & L bands using fiber Bragg gratings. Conference Paper, pp. 599-604. 2003.

[26] Zhang Zaixuan et. al.; Optical fiber Raman amplifier and distributed fiber Raman sensors. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 208-214. 2003.

[27] Reznik, A.A. et.al. ; L-band EDFA gain dependence on the return loss of the components in the amplifier input port. Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 1999 12th Annual Meeting. LEOS ’99. IEEE, pp. 494-495. 2002.

[28] Sprengard, R et. al.; New Ultra-Short Wideband Amplifying Erbium Doped Fiber. Conference Paper, pp. 1-2. 2002.

[29] Zhang Zaixuan et. al.; Optimum design and experiment research of S-band hybrid dispersion compensation fiber Raman amplifier. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 363-367. 2002.

[30] Zhang Zaixuan et. al.; Optimum design and experimental research of negative-dispersion DCF discrete fiber Raman amplifier. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 644-648. 2002.

[31] George N. Lawrence; Advanced modeling helps design telecom systems. Laser Focus World, 2001.

[32] Eudes F. Woellner et. al.; High-gain EDFA using ASE suppression: numerical simulation and experimental characterization. Proceedings of SPIE, pp. 90-93. 2001.

[33] Baraniecki, T.P. et. al.; Comparison of laboratory measurements on an EDFA with simulationresults obtained using EDFA-Design. Conference Paper, pp. 308-311. 2001.

[34] Kozak, M.M. et. al.; Computer aided EDFA design, simulation and optimization. Conference Paper, pp. 202-205. 2001.

[35] Karasek, M et. al.; Design of wideband hybrid amplifiers for local area networks. IEEE Proceedings of Optoelectronics, pp. 150-155. 2001.

[36] McLaughlin, A.J et. al.; Design and development of a multi-gigabit WDM network for use in the aerospace environment. Conference Paper, pp. 115-124. 2000.

[37] Chris Barnard et. al.; Modeling optimizes EDFA design. WDM Solutions. 2000.

[38] V. Roncin, S. Lobo, L. Bramerie, A. O’Hare, and J.-C. Simon, System characterization of a passive 40 gb/s all optical clock recovery ahead of the receiver, Opt. Express, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 6003–6009, 2007.

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