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    hello can anyone help me? thank you


    The question is why am I having the eye diagram like that, and how do I can fix it if there’s any mistakes?
    thank you..


    Thanks a lot to all of u sir. I will try with the examples and hope it will work.
    Good luck to both of you too!!


    dear Mr.Mohamed A. A. Abouseif and Mr. Muhammad saqlain,
    can you explain to me about how to use the analog to digital / digital to analog tools? i mean, do you just connect it from the electrical signal source or it has to connect to other component first or something like that?
    im working on my final project about digitized rof. your answers might help me so much.


    I modified the sample. And I dont know where I should put the parameter. I want it to work at frequency of 118.65 MHz. What should I change?


    I modify a little by removing some components, and change some frequencies. I want to make a simple system for aircraft communication between ATC and the aircraft itself. Some sources say it uses a VHF frequency between 118-137 MHz. Where should I put that frequency? Im sorry I asked a lot because I’m new to optical communication and I want to learn.
    Here’s my modified version.


    it is named “Radio over Fiber SCM ASK.osd”. I cant upload the file, it says the file is not permitted due to security reasons. The system is look the same as this


    ah, I now get it. Thanks a lot Mr. Mohamed for the answer!!


    thanks for the answer. so basically in optisystem the data is already digitized or maybe digital, am I right? and for designing digitized RoF i dont need other component to make the signal digitized?