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    umer syed

    hi all
    the total diispersion along the length should be equla to the zero for the complete dispersion…
    Dsmf*Lsmf+Ddcf*Lcf = 0
    i.e., DCF length should be chosen so as to to satisfy zero tola dispersion..
    Ldcf = – (Dsmf/Ddcf) Lsmf
    Where Dsmf and Ddcf represents the fiber dispersion coefficients of SMF and
    DCF respectively.

    how there is again such condition for the dispersion slope….the total diispersion slope along the length should be equla to the zero for the complete dispersion
    with regards

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    umer syed

    congratulation to all of you for your gift vouchers,, particularly Alistu for such a remarkable achievement and helping hand

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    umer syed
    Profile Photo
    umer syed

    hi virender singh
    negative refraction is not just because of negative permitivity and permeability, in some crystalls such as photonic crystals we also have negative refraction for some angles. and also chiral metameterials can have negative refraction.
    When a negative index of refraction occurs, propagation of the electromagnetic wave is reversed. Resolution below the diffraction limit becomes possible. This is known as Subwavelength imaging.
    for further information visit the link below;

    with regards

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    umer syed

    hi dhimen,
    so far i know about the future for the next genneration optical networks… i think OTDM (optical time domain multiplexing) in combination with the wavelength multiplexing are most important member of all other technologies…these are called as the hybrid networks..

    dhimen i think there is tutorial on OTDM on optiwave site , you need to add that for diffferent wavelengths

    with regards

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    umer syed

    hi burhann

    i think it is of very immence concern…. however there is no need for discussion for our side… optsystem forum moderators and support team are well aware of this thing as the bryan tipper sir has post the on it forum…


    with regards

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    umer syed

    hi remoo de suza..

    i think this is the problem of all the beginner in optisytem….follow the following steps for getting same results every time…

    for some components like pseudorandom sequence generator, fiber, amplifier, apd or pin , or optical receiver, etc…etc..,there the parameter namely generate random seed,,,for each of those components…

    now you need to untick it for each of the component individually…you will get same answer every time..

    hope you got answer for your question
    with regards

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    umer syed

    hi all , i think…
    there is better explaination than the aasif sir has provided you….i appreciate his efforts
    as i think that you are new to optisytem….i think that you fall in below problems…

    how to provide sweeps????

    Lesson 4: Parameter Sweeps — BER x Input Power

    and how to plot graph in optisytem or opti 2Dgraph????

    solution are provided in the linkss

    now i think that your problem solved

    with regards

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    umer syed

    hi ranjeet,
    please do not post irrelevant posts in the discussion.
    with regards

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    umer syed

    i guess it the data rate of the pbrs,,,not the data rate of layout

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    umer syed

    i agree with dhimen sir and aasif here…
    If , “Reference wavelength” is used ,, Values of parameters (attenuation, dispersion) are assumed to correspond to this frequency. If parameters are wavelength-dependent (from files), they are evaluated at this frequency. Ifnot clicked, central frequency of simulated band is use..

    with regards

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    umer syed

    thus for the reply….asif…it creates excess of emails in the account …

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    umer syed

    hi all,

    the striking difference is;;
    In linear scattering, attenuation occurs when optical power is transferred from one mode to another keeping frequency unaltered.
    Non linear scattering occurs when frequency is changed during optical power transfer.

    thus change in the frequency conversion is key concept to differentiate the two effects
    with regards

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    umer syed

    hi all,
    i got my problem solved..query has been resolved on the forum regarding dispersion and distortion in context of optical fiber communication as well as the difference between the two…
    how to unsubcribe the discussion here….so that i can not get further notifications from the optiwave forum on my mail.


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    umer syed

    hi all,

    in optisystem there is the provision of component help…i thing asif has posted this information of these components from there…’
    i think Photonic All-parameter Analyzer and Optical Filter Analyzer are good test sets to mold the component properties as per our needs
    cheers for that.