Forum Replies Created

    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman


    1. I am unable to commen on the input file as the only thing in your attached zip file is a structural diagram.
    2. You are correct the OptiFDTD results directly from a simulation are near-field results. If you look in your installed programs you will find “OptiTools” which is a list of heper functions for use with the results from the product. Included there are a number of far-field calculators that will operate on the appropriate results files.

    As you are having issues with uploading files, please submit an email to so that we can further diagnose what is going on. Additionally in your email please include the version of the product you are using and the status of any license you are using.


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman

    Hello Poonam,

    Can you please provide further details such as the structure you are looking at modelling. Additionally do you have examples or demonstrations of what you are referring to by response time? Response of what.


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman

    Hello Poonam,

    Can you please provide further details such as the structure you are looking at modelling. Additionally do you have examples or demonstrations of what you are referring to by response time? Response of what.


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman

    The command you are looking for is in the VBScript manual and it is GetTimeSeries( String fieldcomponent ) so to export the Ex field for “InsideMaterial” as “InsideMaterial_Ex_#.f2d” where the # is the iteration number then you would need to place the following in your for loop after the ParamMgr.Simulate call

    Set inside_data = InsideMaterial.GetTimeSeries ( “Ex” )
    inside_data.WriteF2D (“InsideMaterial_Ex_” & x & “.f2d”

    You would need to repeat that line for each observation point / field component combination you need.

    Please note it is advised to put a wait command after the simulate before any processing or restarting the loop. So right after the ParamMgr.Simulate you should have a WGMgr.Sleep( 50 ).


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman

    The command you are looking for is in the VBScript manual and it is GetTimeSeries( String fieldcomponent ) so to export the Ex field for “InsideMaterial” as “InsideMaterial_Ex_#.f2d” where the # is the iteration number then you would need to place the following in your for loop after the ParamMgr.Simulate call

    Set inside_data = InsideMaterial.GetTimeSeries ( “Ex” )
    inside_data.WriteF2D (“InsideMaterial_Ex_” & x & “.f2d”

    You would need to repeat that line for each observation point / field component combination you need.

    Please note it is advised to put a wait command after the simulate before any processing or restarting the loop. So right after the ParamMgr.Simulate you should have a WGMgr.Sleep( 50 ).


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman

    Hello Timothy,

    Using VBScript within the designer as part of the simulation setup you can configure the product to export data as simulation sweeps are completed. You will find commands in the “VB Scripting Reference Manual” that is linked to within the “Help Topics” in the Help Menu. However, this must be done at the design stage. There is not a way to batch export after the simulations are complete.

    Which observers do you have and what data are you looking to export.


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman

    Hello Timothy,

    Using VBScript within the designer as part of the simulation setup you can configure the product to export data as simulation sweeps are completed. You will find commands in the “VB Scripting Reference Manual” that is linked to within the “Help Topics” in the Help Menu. However, this must be done at the design stage. There is not a way to batch export after the simulations are complete.

    Which observers do you have and what data are you looking to export.


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman


    The password for the evaluations is the same password you are using to log in to the forum.


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman


    The password for the evaluations is the same password you are using to log in to the forum.


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman


    I have confirmed with our IT team that this error is typically seen when a restart has not been completed after the installation of the product. Can you confirm whether or not you restarted the machine after installation.


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman


    I have confirmed with our IT team that this error is typically seen when a restart has not been completed after the installation of the product. Can you confirm whether or not you restarted the machine after installation.


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman

    Can you please send the screenshots of the pages: http://localhost:1947/_int_/features.html and http://localhost:1947/_int_/diag.html to
    Please also include he screenshot of the error message.

    Thank you,
    Optiwave Support Team

    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman

    Can you please send the screenshots of the pages: http://localhost:1947/_int_/features.html and http://localhost:1947/_int_/diag.html to
    Please also include he screenshot of the error message.

    Thank you,
    Optiwave Support Team

    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman

    Hello Denwood,

    Apologies for the delayed response, our system had marked it as awaiting moderation despite one of my colleagues responding. The 30 day evaluation starts upon installation.


    Profile Photo
    Scott Newman

    Hello Denwood,

    Apologies for the delayed response, our system had marked it as awaiting moderation despite one of my colleagues responding. The 30 day evaluation starts upon installation.
