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    Roman Ibragimov

    Do you have description for this figure. How many channels? It’s single channel or DWDM system. which is modulation format (NRZ, DPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, OFDM+QPSK)? How did you get this figure? from experiment?

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    Roman Ibragimov

    Dear Dhiman. Its very empirical formula, because in this case I can’t consider modulation format (DP-QPSK, SP-QPSK etc).
    Do you have source, where i can read about formula?

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    Roman Ibragimov

    Oh. its very interesting question. I want to know too< how we can calculate BER, if I will have values OSNR. Of course, it will be theoretical curve, however I will have possibility to match BER vs OSNR from Optisystem with theoretical limit

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    Roman Ibragimov

    Nope. Its multicore fiber. Its very popular fiber for investigations. In one fiber we have 8 fibers:)

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    Roman Ibragimov

    Are u sure that it smf/dsf fiber with 30 mkm2 ?
    I mean smf fiber have effective area like 80mkm2. Dsf fiber have 72 mkm2. Maybe you talk about some advanced fiber for telecom? Probability, Its special type of fiber. Or maybe its MCF fiber? Although, i not sure that its true.

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    Roman Ibragimov

    No problem. So smf fiber. I usually use next parameters for simulation
    Attenuation 0.19 – 0.21 dB/km (depend from fiber band)
    Cd dispersion 18 ps/nm/km
    Dispersion slope 0.075
    Actually, at the moment i cant remember core radius and gamma for smf

    Heitor, you can get other way. Open fiber block and import preset for fiber (in library i saw 10 presets for fiber). It should be more accuracy for simulation. But if you wanna use manual parameters please let me know about in the morning). I will send for you something stuff

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    Roman Ibragimov

    You can get any value for DCF. but try to use casual parameters according with G.651-655

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    Roman Ibragimov

    It depends that what you want. i mean, if you wanna work with optical system i can use link from Ravil. But if you wanna see process into blocks try to get scheme from library

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    Roman Ibragimov

    emmm. I can recommend you book Agraval “Fiber optic”. Kerr effect explains difference between this losses

    Or maybe i don’t understand question 🙂

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    Roman Ibragimov

    oh. it’s good news and great policy of Optisystem!

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    Roman Ibragimov

    WOw. It’s work. Thank you)
    Because when i used CIDF Scheduler I couldn’t work with few windows Optisystem.

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    Roman Ibragimov

    It’s all correct. I try to install ver. 13.0 on a new computer with RadeOn HD 7900 (my notebook Samsung R540 has integrated video card).
    I’m really grateful to you.

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    Roman Ibragimov

    Actually, I don’t have serial number. It was 7days version from your site. I could check how Optisystem works with supporting CUDA. And after installing on win 7 x64 i got error box. My university is looking to purchase Optisystem at the moment.

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    Roman Ibragimov

    Hi Amit!
    Did you try check among of energy with help Optical Power meter? Any element in Optisystem has parameter “insertion loss”. You can assess absorbtion energy with help “insertion loss”

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    Roman Ibragimov

    Hm. You can choose any frequency from C and L-optical band. This recommendation has all grid for DWDM, but you need consider nonlinear band for EDFA amplifier. So for accuracy gain EDFA you need calculate all parameters amplifiers (lenght, radius etc).
