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    Dear AJAYBEER,

    In what version of Optiwave your original file is written in? I should be able to help you with versions up to 14. That is the latest version that we have in our laboratory…

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    I completely agree with Alistu about inability to open file created in a newer version that you might have at this moment. In a meanwhile, if I am not mistaken, I have a version of Optisystem 7 in one of my machines. Therefore, I can try to open the file that you need in a newer version. After that, I can insert the content in a version of Optisystem 7 and upload it for you to try open it…

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    Hi Swapandeep Kaur,

    According to your question about attaching papers, – unfortunately any of us, as an Optiwave forum member, is not able to attached any materials that are not in a public access, i.e. any material that has author’s copyrights. These copyright rules and regulations are expanded to our forum and have been clearly declared by Optiwave Team (Damian if I am not mistaken) in one of the previous forums…

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    Congratulations to you, Sushank Chaudhary, with your first “milestone” in Optiwave forum and winning of your first certificate! It is very important for learning process to bring your ideas and willing to share your knowledge with the other forum members! I wish your to have only enjoyable and productive “journey” with Optiwave forum in the future! And, of course, best of luck with your future work and your research! Enjoy your gift!

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    Congratulations to you, LALIT VERMA, with the receiving your first award from Optiwave! Thank you for bringing your interest, ideas and sharing knowledge with the other forum members! I hope that your learning is going very productive and wish you to continuously expand and deepen you field of knowledge with your participation! Best of luck with your future work and your research! Enjoy your gift!

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    Congratulations to you, Mohamed Ben zegalam, with the reception your first forum award and starting your Optiwave “journey”! Thank you for bringing your interest, input and sharing knowledge with the other forum members! I really wish that your work and participation will bring you the results that you want! And your field of knowledge will continuously expand and deepen with your participation! Best of luck with your future work and your research! Enjoy your gift!

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    Congratulations to you, Feras, with your second “milestone” in Optiwave “journey”! Thank you for continuing your participation in this forum! As to many other members, I wish your active participation and a constant willing to do a good work will lead you to a success in your process of learning and researching. I wish you to follow and enlarge your way of studying with Optiwave! Best of luck on your journey! Enjoy your gift!

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    Hi Maha!

    According to you question about sampling, if I understand it correctly, your signal is presented in Matlab. If this is the case, you can find signal’s sample that you need as it is an element of your sampled signal’s array in a Matlab space using simple tools (please, see OptiSystem examples). As Damian indicated, you can always transfer this data back to OptiSystem when you need to do so…

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    The other question, which I have to modeling using WSOS, is from the same (indicated above paper). How were the transmission wavelength chosen according to SOA’s spectrum? For my modeling experiment, I am trying to understand how can BER vs SOAs dependence, which shown at Fig. 5, be supported by the simulation results, i.e. how can we obtain the results shown at Fig. 11 of this paper. I will appreciate any guidance from your side!

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    Dear Optiwave Team and forum members,

    I just want to confirm if this message of mine can be seen. If you do, please, let me know if you have any ideas or can give any guidance about modeling using Wavelength Stripping Optical Switching (WSOS). Looking at the paper “Performance Tradeoffs for a Wavelength Striping Optical Switching using a Novel Star Architecture”, in quantitative analysis of BER vs number of cascaded SOAs dependence, it’s not clear how non-linear effects in SOAs were considered for calculation of cross-gain modulation.

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    Hi Zhang Hao,

    Can you, please, give a little more details about the model that you would like to implement in Optiwave? If I am not mistaken with my guess, you can use the temperature dependence of refractive index of the material that you won’t to investigate on the temperature increase. Is it correct?

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    On the other side, small values of launched power will decrease you power received and bring it close to the threshold of your receiver. Anyways, as it was recommended by Alistu, please upload the image of your plot and indicate the whole range of powers that you have worked with. It will definitely help us to better assist you with your question…

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    Hi Debanjan,

    If I am not mistaken and remember it correctly, I have such a problem of “not changing Q-factor” couple times. As Alistu recommended, I did increase the range of my power set and that gave me Q-factor dependence. At the same time, I would recommend you to look at the regime that you are working at for your launched powers. It is know that high values will increase the influence of non-linear effects in your system.

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    Hi Feras,

    There are few reason that can be the reason of obtaining the graph that you have. Your fiber length is not the main reason of your measured BER decrease (since it attenuates noise as well as a signal). The main parameters that decrease your BER are the number of your amplifiers and nonlinearities. Therefore, I agree with Alistu that it would be helpful to look at your design file first.

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    Many thanks to everyone who replied!