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    Hello Ahmad;

    Thank you for your explanation. I am trying to figure out data erasure efficiency of FPLD for remodulation PON system and when I increased modulation peak current around 10 mA, I am getting reverse results as shown in Figures that I attached. I checked both the examples and help page for component properties that you suggested. For FPLD example; mod.peak current is given as 4 mA but when I enter as 0 mA; the results are still the same. In my design, it demonstrates reverse behavior. Component properties help page gives only 1 formula and that is not enough for me to understand the effects of mod.peak current to the system. Could you please suggest and detailed papers?


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    Thank you for your answer Mohammed. I solved the problem.

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    Thank you Ahmad

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    Ahmad thank you for your reply. I found the component.Is this component provides reflections from both facets?Do you have an example of the usage of this component?