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    Raja masud

    Hi Marek,
    I cannot open the osd file, can u upload it for Optisystem-7?

    Profile Photo
    Raja masud

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    Raja masud


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    Raja masud


    Profile Photo
    Raja masud

    Hi Ravil

    Thanks for your answer. and sorry for late replay. I have read the documents, that you referred. That is a good reference.
    But i want to design the SOA of Optisystem. Can you refer me some documents about that?

    And there any optical Power normalizer or power limiter in optisystem-7? which is work as the practical device.

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    Raja masud

    Hi Sasha,

    Thank you for your answer, and i am sorry for my let replay.

    What about if i use the rectangular pulse? i have uploaded a osd file, where you can see spicks between two pulses. what do you think, why this happen?

    Thanks again

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    Raja masud
    Profile Photo
    Raja masud

    Damian Marek

    I know you are busy, but it would be helpful, if i get the answer of my last question.


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    Raja masud

    here is the file

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    Raja masud

    Thanks for your suggestion,

    It seems my switches are the initial steps to make perfect switch, and they are not matured yet. It seems to me that, they work under 1 condition only, if signal is only the sampled signal, otherwise they will not work. Anyway I will try my level best to make them perfect. But it is long way to go.

    But before that, I need a ideal Y switch for my thesis work.

    So I have another question for you, please help,

    Question: Y Switch of this link (see below) can be used instead of the built in ideal Y switch of Optisystem?


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    Raja masud

    Thank you Damian Marek for your valuable advises.

    Actually I am working to solve these types of problem. But first I need to fully understand something such as parameterized signal, Individual Sample etc., and I need help of forum for that.
    You told that “these switches are not final and won’t work for all cases”, so I have 2 very important questions for you , I probably know the answers, but need to 100% clear myself,


    (1) If the optical sources (which are connected with the input port of MATLAB component) of any design of OPTISYSTEM carry just only sampled signal, single frequency;
    If they (optical sources) do not carry, any parameterized signal, Individual Sample, Noise, and multiple frequencies, then these switches can be used in those OPTISYSTEM design. Am I right??

    (2) So I need to modify my MATLAB code such that, it can handle 4 types of optical signals and multiple frequencies to make perfect ideal switches. Yes??

    If anything i need to add my MATLAB code, please let me know, I always appreciate you help. And I will wait for your advices and answers.


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    Raja masud

    something is wrong to start a new topic. when I submit a new topic, it does not show up in the forum archive, and it is the third time i have faced this problem,why it is happening?

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    Raja masud

    Ah now it’s working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

    Thank you Damian Marek.

    Actually those mark are tiny, that is why i missed them to put in the m file.

    And Thanks All you guys for your cooperation.

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    Raja masud

    Thank u guys, for your replay,

    I have download latest version of the Optisystem-13, but the fact is There may be a problem in the matlab code, and i think that is why it is not working, but i did not find the problem yet, so asked for help of forum. But still it is very disappointing that i did not find, what i am seeking.

    Anyway, Switch of optisystem-13 is not working properly, and my evaluation period is almost finish.

    Thanks you again.


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    Raja masud

    guys help me to solve this problem