Full Name | Hell Obliviate |
Organization | American Interntional University Bangladesh |
Job Title | Student |
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Forum Replies Created
hi Abouseif,
I did what you have told me to do, & yes it works!
Since ASE noise is the real property of a optical amplifier, & i want them to stay & eliminate them by any real option like filter, like Fabry Perot Optical Filter.
so my question is, what are the appropriate settings of a filter to reduce ASE noise?
i did try with Fabry Perot Optical Filter but i could not find any better setting of the properties. so hope forum will help me.
the hell
Hi Abouseif & Dods,
the document you have suggested is quit helpful, i enjoyed reading it. Finally it is understand that, why combiner behave such.
in theory & simulation it is clear that when a input is very low other arm’s input faces 3dB attenuation.
But i have another query
the option “Force power conservation” you have told, is it possible to implement this option in real combiner?
thank you both again,
have fun 🙂
Hi Dods,
thanks for replay!
But i could not access your pdf. would you please kindly upload it again?
Hi Abouseif,
it is always good to see you.
your are right! the phase shift is 90 degree.
but i have got couple of questions about this topic, & hopping answer from you again!
1. i uploaded another file, where combiner has 1mW input but its output is 500uW. why combiner attenuated the power when another input is low? it suppose to add them. However when i give both the input same power, it is not happening. why?
2. can you me help about “Force power conservation”, i could not found it in optisystem7.
3. inputs of ideal MUX is 1mW, but output is 4mW, why ideal mux amplify the signal?
thank you again
take care
Hi Abouseif,
yes you are absolutely right,
OHL is malfunctioning wile connecting as cascade. when i replace OHL at source with NRZ Pulse Generator it works fine.
So i think that optisystem team should notice this kind of issue & fixed them. 🙂
thanking you
hi Abouseif,
thanks for your comment
so do you mean that default values used by optisystem are the standard value?
thanks again
Hi Abuseuf
I appreciate your work,
would you please upload your work?
thanks again.
why this is not uploading?
thank you Abouseif
here is the file
OHL shows wired behave to it’s input near its threshold value at 1Tbps
i don’t know why? but until i did not find any reason. this is annoying.