Forum Replies Created

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Dear Sir,
    I have sent a request email for the same.
    Waiting the response
    Thanking you.

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Dear Sir,
    I have sent now file as zip file. Hope this time you shall receive.
    With regards,
    (Subhash Arya)

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Thank you sir for respond. I think, I could not convey my question properly.
    I am trying to understand that whether x polarized light emitted from CW laser is actually a TE polarized light or not and similarly Y-polarized light is equal to TM polarized light or not as in case of rectangular waveguides (strip, rib or ridge) /devices designed to support TE and TM polarized light. I understand that circular structure of fiber supports LP modes which are hybrid in nature.
    Is there any relation between X-polarized light with TE mode light?

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for respond. I have sent both files, i.e. original one as well as modified one on your email. Please look into the problem and suggest to overcome the problem.
    With regards,
    (Subhash Arya)

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Dear Ahmad Atieh
    Thank you for respond. However, I am unable to see any attachment. I am using Optisystem V 13. Please explain the steps to see the content of AbsorptionPhase.dat file. Thanking you.

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    Subhash Arya

    Dear Mr. Bryan,
    With reference your reply in response to the topic of ” “Free for Academics” , we have patiently waited for long more than one year since September 2015.
    Now, I hope you must have accessed this policy and now we are expecting to extend this benefit to Indian Universities.

    Hoping favorable reply! 🙂

    Thanking you.
    (Subhash Arya)
    NEHU, Shillong, India

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    Subhash Arya

    Congratulations to Dhiman, he also crossed 5000 score and got good knowledge, have developed skill for problem solving as well..
    Great Going..keep in up!

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Try to use PSK decoder or any suitable decoder as suggested by Alistu and then connect parallel to serial converter.

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Good discussion and efforts are putting to get the result. I encourage and thanks to Dhiman and Mr. Alistu for doing nice job of research work.
    I am also enriched by this discussion.
    Keep it up.

    With best wisehs,

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Well, to improve spectral efficiency, we have to either opt advanced modulation schemes (higher ary QPSK, QAM etc, MSK), WDM/DWDM or reduce the spectral width of optical source (laser to reduce dispersion) or sometimes use of coherent detectors also help to improve the spectral efficiency. Here, I think Dhiman wants to use DSP to cancel noise, improve receiver sensitivity so that overall data rate can be increased.

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Thank you Mr. Abhishek and Mr. Alistu for kind help. I got it.

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Dear Mr. Alistu,
    Your suggestion seems very good..however, I would appreciate if your view/suggestion is also endorsed by the office staff of Optiwave.
    If it is at all working..I shall be grateful for your suggestion, but before that I need some assurance from right person from Optiwave.

    With regards,
    (Subhash Arya)

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Dear Mr. Alistu,
    I am using Licence version (not evaluation version) of OptiSystem
    Product Name: OptiSystem
    Product Version: 13,0,0, 137
    File Version: 13,0,0, 137

    I hope there must be compatibility of opening and running the schematic at least in same version of optisystem.

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    I downloaded the attached structure, but there is error. Please see the snap shot of error encountered while opening the file. How to address this issue?

    Profile Photo
    Subhash Arya

    Dear Debanjan,
    I appreciate Alistu for his deep knowledge and experience of using Optisystem. After matching the bit rate and symbol rate the DPSK is giving its output. Please check it whether it is coming as per expectations. Simulated Circuit is attached here.
