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    Anamika Basnotra

    hi, i am facing problem in using this gift card.
    it accepted the claim code
    problem is comming in the payment window
    does anyone has any idea about it ?

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    Anamika Basnotra

    Can anyone tell me how can i convert this gift card for use in

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    Anamika Basnotra

    i mean i have plotted the graphs for Q-Factor

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    Anamika Basnotra


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    Anamika Basnotra

    Thankyou Bryan Tipper
    Thankyou Ravil and Sam Sung
    these kind of replies really boosts a person 🙂

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    Anamika Basnotra

    hi, Alessandro
    I am done with plotting the graphs for Q-Factor

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    Anamika Basnotra

    Hi, Ravil
    even i was thiking of this substitution bt was not sure.
    you cleared my doubt. thankyou

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    Anamika Basnotra

    hi, Sam Sung
    the problem that i am facing is not the calculation but the representation
    i have already calculated the BER; now i have to plot the graphs
    for that i have to change the exponential form of BER into normal form
    one of the way is to convert it into negative log
    But since some of the values have come 0; so they cannot be converted.
    i am asking; is there any other way in which i can represent BER in normal form (without exponents)

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    Anamika Basnotra

    thankyou Ravil and Sethi sir

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    Anamika Basnotra

    hello sir
    some of the journals ask for ‘suggested reviewers’. can you explain what does that mean?

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    Anamika Basnotra

    n thankyou; i understood your point which you tried to explain.

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    Anamika Basnotra

    i cannot upload my original file on which i am working
    bt for reference i have uploaded another file
    can u check this file
    when we simulate this for the first time, it will not give any output
    then if we change the bit sequence to pseudo random, it gives the output; this point can be understood
    but if we again change the bit sequence to user defined, this time it gives the output. can you explain this point?

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    Anamika Basnotra

    can this problem be solved by using user defined bit sequence generator??

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    Anamika Basnotra

    hi, Gherbi Mohamed
    you can try removing amplifier from the loop
    and check the result, bt may be results wont be displayed or the o/p may be worse.
    its always preferable to use amplifier with DCF.

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    Anamika Basnotra

    thankyou so much sir