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    Abbas Akbarzadeh

    I’m new to Optisystem and I want to simulate SBS with the help of optisystem I found a related post in page:

    Setting for Brillouin & Raman fiber (Optisystem)

    but when I was opening the “” file in optiwave 15 can’t open the file and these error messages appeared
    for the file “BidirectionalOF_Brillouin_ExDescriptionAndPerformanceEffec_7Feb2018_V1_MA_.osd” :
    “Failed to load document from storage”

    for the “NLOF_Brillouin_ExDescriptionAndPerformanceEffec_7Feb2018_V1_MA_.osd”
    “A name clash occurred between a system parameter and user parameter in subsystem ’cw laser’ the user parameter was renamed to ’param1’ in only your scripts you must manually rename to param1”

    how can I solve this problem ?