Optical Interconnects Conference 2014


Loews Coronado Bay, Coronado, CA
5-7 May 2014

optical interconnects 2014

This IEEE Photonics Society Optical Interconnects Conference seeks to facilitate collaboration required to drive new interconnect architectures and technologies from concepts in research labs to commercial realities. To this end, the conference covers the complete spectrum of high performance interconnect challenges in network systems, architectures, applications, subsystems, and devices. In addition, the crucial role that any interconnect strategy plays can only be fully realized when optimized at the system level. This is particularly so in large future peta- and exa-scale platforms in datacenters and supercomputers. So we look forward to the participation of system architects, programmers and everyone researching the interconnect role in a more self-aware next generation platform.

Primary software interests:

OptiSPICE: Opto-Electronic Circuit Design Software

Other software interests:

OptiSystem: Optical Communication System Design Suite
OptiFDTD: Finite-Difference Time-Domain Software
OptiBPM: Waveguide Optics Design Software
OptiFiber: Optical Fiber Design Software
OptiGrating: Integrated and Fiber Optical Gratings Design Software

Exhibition Dates
Monday May 5 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tuesday May 6 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Wednesday May 7 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

The conference provides a mix of high caliber invited talks in addition to refereed oral and poster papers, each providing a unique opportunity to learn and exchange ideas with the authors. In addition, all attendees have the option to participate in working groups to discuss and design a conceptual solution to a predefined design problem germane to the world of interconnects science. The problem sessions establish an overall focus for the conference as well as important background in the topic areas – enabling all participants to more richly engage throughout the conference. This year the problem sessions will be held on Sunday afternoon, May 4th and will feature a problem related to optical interconnects.