July 24, 2014 at 10:35 am
FCC code, I believe will have overlapping spectral content because of the choice of weighting and code length. I found two papers that I think can help you out changing the fiber gratings.
1. http://www.copl.ulaval.ca/fileadmin/copl/documents/documents/Publications-PDF/Rusch/journ56.pdf
Gives a great overview of SAC-OCDMA
2. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877705813001744
You will need access for this paper but it explained the coding of FCC.
If you want to make a 3 user system I think it will simply amount to removing 1 grating on the transceiver side and you will have to choose the the remaining grating’s parameters to coincide with FCC.